Percynally Yours

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Waiting for a storm

The local news interrupted network programming this morning to warn of severe storms. I remember times in my life of waiting for a "severe storm" that was looming on the horizon or worse, that suddenly slammed into my life. I waited, and waited, and waited some more. Finally I've learned, the storm does eventually pass, I've gone thru I'm not stuck in, that storm. In the end I have either learned how to better prepare for the next storm, gotten stronger and more able to withstand the storm or I remember the horror, fearful of the next storm! I get to pick which of these I will do!

It's gunna be a great day, I just decided! You do the same, okay?!?!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Wow, we had an inspection at Balmoral yesterday. After quickly getting thru that inspection with zero deficiencies we move to another place in our quest to improve what we can do in our community. Anyone who knows Medicaid knows that you don't make much money that way but, our owners see fit to give back to our community. I feel fortunate to work for such a company.

After many days of preparation it's all over. A relief? Sort of , now the work of continuing in excellence! Isn't that how life should be? Continually striving for more? Some retire in their 50's, me? I pursue a different area in nursing! Bless me indeed and enlarge my territory, that Your hand might be with me, that You would keep me from evil that I might not cause pain. CAN I? Some of me screams NO, don't make me!!! The rest of me can't help but move on, try for more, to grow.

Because my coworkers are younger, much younger in many cases I feel younger! So yes, stretch! I don't always love it but I feel better most of the time... it's okay once in a while to go UGH! Growing old is not for sissies! If I'm going to keep up with the younger ones I've got to work hard. I'm working out again at least a couple of days a week, I'm trying to make myself do a 5K in May, I know I can quickly walk it but I don't want to just walk! I want to be healthy and happy as possible all the days of my life and that is a choice I make daily by watching what I eat, what I do and what I think! The battle is between my ears and I intend to win! I'd like to take others with me, to promote health not just symptom cover up!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


What a day... first I lost the work I did on the schedule (I did save, I swear!) and then the scheduling fun began. This time of year there are so many nasty bugs going around... staff and residents have upper respiratory and GI bugs! EW!

I love our residents and staff but there are times I feel so overwhelmed by my disorganization and the responsibility. Why is it that in the 3rd quarter of my life I have the toughest job I've EVER had?I ask myself, "do I quit?" and hear a resounding "NO!"  because of the reasons stated about... insert big sigh here. Why do my people skills need honing NOW?? Why is my patience stretched to breaking at this point in my life? I did ask for this and I've again begun praying the prayer of Jabez... (Lord bless me indeed and enlarge my territory that your hand would be with me that I might not cause pain). Wow, the last part is the hardest... the part I want to be most diligent with... and then I hear, just be still. Help me Lord to trust You in all that.You said I was sufficient and that you will supply my needs. I am willing in my spirit but my flesh is SO very weak...

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I have no idea why I chose today to begin... I've been thinking of blogging for several years. It's a gorgeous day and I'm just enjoying the back porch, listening to the sounds of birds, squirrels and occasionally Edison running around. Edison is our dog...

I was watching youtube videos on how to clip your dog. Poor Edison, we bought clippers and they arrived Thursday so, today is the day! Hope he still loves me in the end. He's a cairn terrier/poodle/silky. Happy day he doesn't usually shed but his winter coat is shedding so we'll see. I might attempt to post pictures! He's mostly black right now, he started life almost all black, the hair is growing out gray like his father so once he's clipped there will be a huge change. He is a pup of the second litter our daughter, Lani's family dogs had after doing "the cha-cha" as Gavin (the youngest grandson) said. We love Miller (the dad) and so we ended up with Edison. I'm delighted by him most days. He loves with such enthusiasm! It's amazing. I want to be like that when I grow up! By and by I'll post a video of his greeting when I get home! I am loved.

Central Florida is gorgeous this time of year. Highs in the mid 80s today, lows a wonderful mid 50s. Perfect!
Perfect for sleeping in today after working from 1am to 8am more or less. I work as the Wellness Director at a 126 bed assisted living facility. I love my work there, most days! The residents are wonderful... 80 of them right now! Dang, it's the hardest job I've ever had! What was I thinking??? I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm sure you'll hear all about that too by and by. Once a month our cycle of medicine comes in from the pharmacy and poof! all at once needs to be in place for use, so, once a month I work overnight with the med tech to make it happen. Gives me a 2.5 day weekend this time because it landed on a Friday night. Sleep before and after... and tonight!

Again, I started this not knowing where it will go. I don't know if anyone will ever read this... do I care, I'm not sure but, tata for now!