Percynally Yours

Friday, October 7, 2011

On waiting,...

I've been waiting, waiting for another job... left Balmoral on 8-28-11. I sure do miss the residents and the staff, I don't miss the non-stop work! As I reread previous entries I was amazed that I lasted so long. 24/7 is too much. Anyway, now I keep applying for different jobs, and not getting one. I applied for one I thought might be OK, then I thought no, then I got called for an interview and now I think I might actually like it. I'm gunna keep my mouth shut until I hear.

My Gavin, or Pablo as he now wants to be known, will be 11 on the 12th. I sure miss the Stouts. I miss seeing the boys as they grow, I hate not being a part of these years and I have absolutely no idea why Russell doesn't feel the same way. I love our home too but I want to get to be nearer more often, to have a place of our own there so we can come and go as we'd like without getting in their hair. I'm trying to be patient...

Not having a job is weird. I enjoy the free time, I'm sure not used to that! I've enjoyed hanging with Russell and getting to do stuff together. I fight rejection SO BAD! I thought/think I'm a good nurse, I've done phone interviews and yet, it's been over a month and no job. I know the economy stinks but still... I am a nurse! I guess I don't wait well. I'm learning not to buy everything I think I might want, not to just hop in the car and go for no good reason and the freezer and cabinets are getting used up. Thank God! I was starting to look like my mother that way! I am the condiment queen though, for pete sake I've got so many! and I love looking at and buying them! I did clean them all out though... ok, some of them (just in case Lani ever reads this!).

Still waiting...


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