Percynally Yours

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Oh my! Why does this word have to be a part of my life?!?!?! I hate that we have deteriorated so badly in our world that we worry more about the risk involved in a situation rather than the life! Who am I to be judge over what someone should want to do during their lifetime?

I pray that I always find it in my heart to do what is good and right, that I can overcome any fear of liability and CARE! For pete sake is that not what we are here for??? LOVE your neighbor as you love yourself... there it is again, is that it? Did we forget to love ourselves? Oh, yeah, we're indulgent but do we see ourselves as loved, blessed, worthy of love? Is that the issue?

Wow, we have strayed so far from what Father intended for us as people! We're more into ritual rather than relationship, appearances rather than heart! So what's my role? Big sigh! To love and be loved! What a daunting task! I think I'm getting the loved part, Father help me to get the "to love" part!

I so love what I get to do with my life! To advocate for people is huge! It is so frustrating at times but wow, to get to be a part of encouraging someone, making their life just a bit richer... I just gotta keep remembering that I also need to love me!

Okay, blogging is cathartic! BIG woo hoo here! I'm so fortunate, I sit on my porch with the breeze blowing, my puppy at my feet and a cup of coffee and know that life is good, God is great and I'm truly loving the journey that I am on, it's just a hard one! What doesn't kill me is making me stronger! HA!

TTFN, gotta get ready to face the day, but first I have a dog to play with and wash, he stinks!


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